
Path to Inner Peace
by Sonya Gray
“When I began writing Path to Inner Peace my life was a mess. I had been raped twice, been a victim of abusive men, alcoholism, and drugs but I knew once I gave my life to the Lord there was something better. Often in times of testing and trials, we experience a season of drought, a time when we cannot hear the voice of the Lord directing us. It is at this time we have to walk by faith.
I was once told that when you’re taking a test, the teacher rarely talks except to give instructions. God has already taught us what we need to know to go through this season and all we have to do is walk it out by faith. Our trials are only final exams that we must pass to go to the next level of glory that the heavenly Father has for us. Please know that God has placed everything you need to manage the challenges of life within you. The key is to find the Path to Inner Peace by prioritizing your relationship with God first, yourself, and then others.
I truly pray that this book will bless your life and that in the days to come when you’re up against the wall, you will pull out this book, meditate on the scriptures, put on your fighting garment and continue to stand.” ~ Sonya Gray
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