
My Promise Has a Problem
by Pastor D. L. Gardner
This book is the story of the life of Pastor D.L. Gardner, and how God delivered him from demonic possession. When Pastor Gardner was a child, Satan sent demons to befriend and convince him that Satan was God. This friendship turned very quickly and the same demonic beings that were sent as friends had now become his tormentors. “This is my story.” ~ Pastor D. L. Gardner
Whenever God gives a promise, there is a problem attached to it. The day we took our very first breath, we were born with promises and problems. God in all His splendor and endless wisdom, knows what troubles to allow that will cause you to birth the preordained promises for your life. All through the Word of God, there are great men and women mentioned who were given great promises, however, these same people faced great afflictions and troubles to get them to their promised place. Just because God allows trouble into your life doesn’t mean He does not love you, it is quite the contrary. He loves you enough to allow the trouble to push you to your promise and not take you out.
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