I am in a season of my life where I am truly learning how significant our relationships are to God. His desire is for us to have right relationship with Him and for us to have right relationships with others. There are some people whom the Lord connects us with for a special purpose and there are others that we attach ourselves to for a purpose that He did not ordain. According the word of God, we are called to love every man, but that does not mean we are called to partner with every man.
In the Bible, 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” If you know the heart of God, you know that this scripture is not for the purpose of condemning anyone or making one group of people better than another, because God’s Love is freely available to ALL. These words were written to early Christians when the church was just being established and they were living in a society where idolatry was part of every day life. How could the church be established if the people continued to integrate the rituals associated with idol worship in their every day lives? God had already gave the commandment,”do not worship any other god.” (Exodus 34:14) It was important that the church be separate and bear the image of God, not of those who worship idols. The principles of this scripture still apply to us today.
In our society, both in and out the church, I might add, we have those who worship money, fame, popularity, beauty, power, themselves, and a host of other things. It is important that you do not form alliances, partnerships and covenants with those people, particularly when they are in a position of leadership over you because this will require your submission to their agenda. When we enter relationships outside of the leading of the Holy Spirit, we become subject to oppression that we have in essence, agreed to.
These are relationships that can start out so sweet and promising and quickly turn into something where you feel that you are being used and abused – why, because you are. Your leader’s quest to please the gods of money, fame, etc. require you and your gifts to be available to serve their purposes. Nothing else is important, your purpose and your destiny may as well be nonexistent because it has nothing to do with your leader’s selfish journey.
One thing we must always do in response to adverse situations is pray. Pray for your leader and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in your actions and decision-making. Ask God whether this relationship you entered into is one that you did outside of His Will or whether He has a purpose for it that requires you to stay for a season. In the bible, David was in the service of King Saul who attempted to kill him several times. David went into hiding for some time while Saul continued to hunt for him. David even had the opportunity to kill Saul but he did not do it. In addition, he always treated Saul with respect. In due time, Saul died and David became king. The important thing to observe here is that David remained humble and did not attempt to get revenge for himself.
Seek God.It is time for you to discern by the Spirit of God who you are connected to and how you are to relate to those individuals. Follow the leading of your Creator at all times and remain separate. Do not succumb to the culture of idolatry, do not sell yourself out for the promise of an opportunity. Be humble and blameless before God and follow Him.
Who is sitting in the boss’s chair of your life, your business, or your ministry? When we submit ourselves to the Lord as our ultimate leader, He makes our path straight. His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.