What if we choose not to believe that we are stuck with our circumstances? What if we begin to intentionally choose what we want in life? Yes, things happen to us that we certainly didn’t (consciously) choose, however we have the power to choose how we respond to those situations and what will happen next.
For example, I spent many years being frustrated by my hair every time it began to grow because I didn’t want to deal with the thickness of it. I would cut it off every single time, only to wish I could just grow it out and keep it. I wasn’t choosing My hair. I wanted it to be like my sister’s hair. When it no longer behaved like her hair, I would quit and cut it. While I love a nice short cut, my heart’s desire was really to let my hair grow as long as possible. I finally made a choice in line with my heart’s desire. I chose my hair with all of its thickness and variations of textures, both coarse and fine. To support my choice, I began to educate myself about my curl pattern and the best ways to coexist with My hair. When it grew long and I found myself frustrated with it again, instead of doing the chop that I have always done when it grows to this length, I implemented what I learned about cutting layers into thick wavy hair to give it a great shape. I also changed the color to be more similar to my natural hair color, which I discovered is actually more flattering on me (Go figure – the hair color God gave me looks better than the one in the box!) Then I made sure I had all the right products and styling tools to ensure my hair always looks the way I want it to. Guess what! My hair is long, I love it, and I am not cutting it! I CHOOSE MY HAIR. The turning point for me to reach my hair goals was to choose my own hair instead of wishing for someone else’s and then take actions that supported my choice to keep growing it.
That was a very lightweight example so let’s take it up a notch. Since I have lost almost 30 pounds, people often ask me questions about weight loss/fitness and share their journeys and frustrations with me. I find that many people share the part of my journey where I would wake up every morning and dread seeing my own naked body and especially dread getting dressed for work because I didn’t like how my clothes fit me or how they looked on my swollen physique. It seemed I never really had anything to wear. Even when I began to buy clothes that fit better and made me feel better about my public appearance, it didn’t change what was underneath the clothes or underneath the surface of how I felt about myself. I had to stop choosing negativity over how I felt I looked and begin choosing a healthier me. Once I did that and began to take actions in support of that choice, for example eating better and exercising, I lost my first ten pounds. Often the hardest part about achieving our goals, especially when there are emotions involved, is STARTING!
After that initial weight loss, I fell off for a season because I was preoccupied with crazy circumstances that I was dealing with but I at least maintained the weight I had lost. When I walked away from major negativity in my life and once again began to get in touch with what was in my heart concerning who I am, I began to make healthier choices again. The side effect was losing an additional 18 pounds and looking and feeling great! I didn’t expect to lose so much weight within this timeframe and I am still getting used to my “new” body, but I am extremely thankful for the lessons along the way. I recognize that self-image and weight issues can really affect someone deeply in terms of their confidence and even result in them hiding from their purpose because they don’t want people to see them in their current state. It is important to first choose ourselves and shower love upon the person that God created, knowing He loves every bit of us and made no mistakes in His artwork. Secondly, we have to choose to do things that are in line with what is best for us, which includes being active (exercising) and eating clean. I am not the poster child for eating clean but I do strive to make better choices on a weekly basis.
I hope the examples I discussed in this post have empowered you to CHOOSE what is in your heart over what the world presents to you. I pray you will begin to take actions that support the Heart Choices you make. (I believe I will explore the power of choice in marriage on a #DearHusband Thursday so stay tuned for that.)