Today I am celebrating the fact that I am ok – no I am better than ok, I am victorious.
See, I have been the target of a series of attacks across my lifetime that could have left me seriously damaged, rendered ineffective, cold, hard, bitter, resentful, angry, depressed, and hopeless. I am absolutely sure that the purpose of these attacks was to kill my very nature so that I would never fulfill my life’s purpose.
However, God created me out of the very best material you can find anywhere. This material is indestructible and will stand the test of time. There is simply nothing greater. That is why my body could be abused, my life could be threatened, I could be rejected and betrayed beyond belief but I am still able to trust, still have joy, and still have a passion for my life and my purpose.
I’ve been through tremendous circumstances and I can see the concern on my loved one’s faces and hear the questioning in their voices, “Is she really ok?” Amazingly, I am, but it is because God has actually constructed me in Love. He infused Love into my veins. My thoughts are Love, I breathe Love, and I was created to Love because I am made in His image.
Anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, depression, etc. don’t look good or feel good on me because they go against my very nature. I was created to love deeply for God’s purpose, which He determined before the beginning of the earth. This is my identity. I was created to be a Lover of God and of His people. Anything else rips at the stability of my being.
So while conventional standards say I should be upset, falling apart, or plotting revenge, I will instead celebrate the fact that God made me out of materials that give me a superpower to Love beyond my circumstances. This means I can forgive and move on to the life God created me to have – full of love, purpose, and endless possibilities.
What are you made of and how has God used it to bring you through difficult places in your life?