The Writing UnBlocker:
Tip #2
People often call on me for help to simply start writing and I have found that writer’s block is definitely something that can be conquered. We all deal with different obstacles when it comes to our creativity, so here are a few ways to get those words flowing.
Remove external distractions.
Removing external distractions has a lot to do with your writing routine. If a noisy house distracts you, then you know you need to have somewhere to go to complete this task. This could mean going to the library, or one of my personal favorites – sitting in the park. During one phase of my life, I went to the park just about every day, no matter what the weather. Even if I stayed in my car, I was still away from the noise of the office (and everything else) and had beautiful scenery to help inspire me.
Turn off the cellphones, close the Facebook and email tabs and respect your writing process enough to give it your undivided attention.
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