I have been experiencing technical difficulties, but with just a few moments left on June 9th, 2016 I want to use this space to honor someone who is very precious to me, my wonderful friend Nicole Michelle Pertillar. We have the kind of friendship where she knows what I am about to say as soon as she answers my phone call. God has linked us in such a way that with one conversation we can help each other sort through a mountain of details concerning our businesses and receive clarity that answers all of our questions for the day. It seems like we’ve known each other for a lifetime, but in trying to pinpoint when our friendship truly began, I think the catalyst for the relationship we have now was an extremely sincere and transparent conversation we shared about 1.5 years ago. Since then I’ve helped her publish her first book, she has advised me on numerous projects, ministered to my son, helped me pray through some extremely rough times, and I’ve had the privilege of meeting her beautiful sister Tiffany, and getting to know her beautiful mother, Pamela Pertillar who is a teacher and editor.
While I would love to keep Nicole all to myself, there is way too much treasure inside her for me to be that selfish. I urge you to go to her website and find out more about what she does and how you can interact with her because I guarantee you will be inspired and motivated to create what God has purposed you to create.
A Purposeful Connection:
If you:
-are seeking your identity and purpose
-are looking for creative outlets
-need help with branding and clarifyng the purpose of your business
-mentor young people
-desire to move beyond fear, be your authentic self, and know the love of the Father
-like to purchase art and handmade stationery
-love to connect with positive, like-minded women
you should definitely connect with Nicole!