I could say that 2016 has been the worst year of my life but I don’t want to say that.  Some of the worst things happened to me in 2016 but it paved the way to bigger, better, brighter days for me. I WILL say that 2016 is my year of deliverance. The Lord delivered me from an abusive husband and a lifestyle that He never intended for me. He delivered me from the curse that I was suffering under because of who I was in marriage covenant with. He delivered me from being constantly rejected and neglected by someone who was supposed to care for me. He delivered me from the limitations I was living under, unable to spread my wings and really fly.

There is no dark cloud hovering over me. I can shine brightly the way I was born to. I can celebrate and love me in a way that has been difficult for so long. I’m able to create the life I’ve longed for along with the Holy Spirit – doing new things, exploring new ways of expressing myself,  enjoying art in all of its forms, and not accepting anything less than the love I deserve.

Here is another valuable thing I have noticed since I have endured so many tests and trials this past year. I have more gratitude than I have ever had in my life. I’m so thankful for God’s protection, healing, and deliverance that there is very little I can find to complain about outside of dealing with my own emotions. I notice the things that people around me complain about and I have no desire to join in. I’m blessed and there is no denying that. There is nowhere to go but UP from here!

I pray God’s richest blessings for you in 2017 and I believe the ultimate is that you would be healed, delivered, and set free – able to experience the fullness of God’s Love, joy, and peace in your life. Pursue your dreams relentlessly this year – don’t let another year go by without YOU happening.

