Have you ever felt like everyone else seems to have a never-ending surplus of new ideas while you struggle to eke out one new thought? Do you have a burning desire to write but every time you try, you end up staring at a blank page? You may have even told yourself that you are just not a creative person – but that could not be farther from the truth. God the Creator made you in His image and placed the same creative energy in you. You have the power to decree something and see it come to pass. If you really think about it, you will see that your thoughts have created many things in your life. As a man speaks, so is he and from the abundance of the heart man speaks. Your creativity is just a word and a thought away, but sometimes it is necessary to identify and remove the obstacles that block our creative nature. Here are some ways to kick down the obstacles to your creativity and get it back now. 

1. Stop Negative Thoughts: We have been duped into believing that we cannot control our thoughts! They just come and we can’t stop them from coming right? Wrong! We have power and authority over our thoughts but when we allow our mind gate to be wide open, any thought can wander in and take up residence, messing up the place, and making it stink to high heaven. Until we make a decision to put a gatekeeper in place, we will be at the mercy of destructive thoughts. The gatekeeper is born by filling yourself with the Word of God which is more powerful than any negative thought or imagination. You can’t just read the Word of God, you have to commission it to take control by speaking it over your life and meditating on it daily.

2. Control Your Tongue: You can’t control negative thoughts if you can’t control your speech. What you think and what you say are what create your world. You tell your mind what to accept by what you say! If you are thinking negative thoughts, make it a practice to speak the Word of God that is opposite of the negative thoughts you are thinking. If you feel beat down, say that you are strong and you feel great. If you think you are poor, say you are rich and the Lord has provided everything you need according to His riches in glory! Establish this in your life as a habit or regular practice and watch how your thought life changes. Not only will your thought life change, you will begin to see what you say.

3. Distance Yourself from Negative Associations: We cannot keep our heads in the sand concerning the people in our lives and expect to move forward in life. Bishop Frank Summerfield says, “You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re pecking with the chickens.” Be honest about the people in your life. Who are the ones who refuse to grow and move forward in life? Who are the ones who always have something negative to say? You don’t have to turn your back on them but you certainly need to put some distance and silence the negative voices from having access to you and your dreams.

4. Get the Past out of your Present: The past can be a huge killer of creativity! How can you create anything new when you are stuck on anything from the past – whether good or bad? God wants to do a new thing in your life today, but you must be willing to let go of the old in order to receive it. Nothing that happened yesterday matters. You have a new day to live, a new day to create. Approach each day with the enthusiasm that it is a brand new blank canvas for you to fill with brilliant colors. Turn your back on whatever happened before and walk toward your bright future. It is there for you if you want it.


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