I need to encourage someone as I encourage myself this morning. FOCUS, your breakthrough is coming. This is not just another pretty Christian cliche – it is something that was uncovered during prayer this morning to me and my dear Liela. We have been praying earnestly for breakthrough in several areas and the Lord has been speaking and confirming His Word to us faithfully. Suddenly we were met with mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual opposition over the last few days that even made it difficult to focus in prayer this morning. Prayer has been awesome so this, of course did not go unnoticed. We sought Holy Spirit for answers and He gave me one word: Distraction. Liela began dismantling the enemies’ weapons. I remembered a dream from this morning showing me yet another of the enemy’s devices.

Long story, short: Enemy Defeated! We are not going to enter into useless battles with people and we will not be discouraged or out of sorts. We recognize that the enemy will try to amplify things that happen in our relationships to make them seem like full-fledged situations, when they are really at most, misunderstandings, or just fleeting thoughts, feelings, or opinions. If you are feeling bent out of shape about something going on in your life or household right now, submit it to the light of Holy Spirit. He will show you what the real deal is.

Now is not the time to lose focus, we are almost there. God is faithful concerning His Promises and you will not be put to shame.

Be blessed today!

2 Corinthians 10:5New International Version (NIV)
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.