In embracing my gifts and my calling, I have begun to share what I see prophetically Mondays on my blog as the Lord reveals a message that will not only encourage me but the Body of Christ in general. I also share about myself, my gifts, and my journey as He leads for the person who reads this and needs encouragement in their own journey. I am a seer prophet, meaning I “see” or discern what God is doing through my senses. I personally often see dreams, visions, words or phrases, and feel the emotions or ailments of others or other sensations to alert me that something is happening supernaturally. My other senses are engaged at times as well but those are the primary ways that I “see.” I am also gifted with the words of knowledge and wisdom, all of which are being developed in me.
One of the most difficult things about being a prophet is what Ryan LeStrange wrote about recently, living in that space between what you have seen and the manifestation of it. Before I received any training concerning my gifts, I was aware that I was very sensitive to the emotions and thoughts of others even to the point of “reading their minds,” but in several cases where I discussed these matters with the individuals, they denied what I was saying and I doubted my gift. Usually, at some point, I would receive proof confirming that what I saw was correct.
This happened on a larger scale in my life during the past couple of years where I sensed that someone had an evil agenda for participating in a network that is very important to me, however, as this person was widely accepted, I doubted the accuracy of what I was sensing and forced myself to accept this person as well. The individual went on to wreak havoc amongst people I love and I wept bitterly over this one day as I realized that I had once again doubted the gift that God gave me and perhaps I could have done something to prevent this person from having so much access to our network. This was a hard but important lesson learned.
I am grateful for the lesson because it resulted in my acceptance of my gifts and a commitment to fully submitting them to the Lord and desiring for Him to increasingly show me more and more. Since that time, God has shown me time and time again just how accurately I see and hear from Him. That doesn’t mean that I am not challenged and that doubt does not at times set in. However, I have learned that God trusts me to show me intimate things about people and details of situations because I am also a prophetic intercessor. He shows me exactly how to pray for people and He gives me the love, patience, and compassion to do it. There is often a temptation to focus on what I see with my natural eyes versus what God is showing me beneath the surface, but I am reminded to submit everything back to Him, especially when my own emotions begin to get involved.
The Lesson: God has given each of us a voice and a ministry with specific giftings to carry out the work He has assigned to us. We have to trust God with these responsibilities, every step of the way. Doubt and fear of being wrong will try to choke you out and silence your voice, which is why it is crucial to study God’s Word and spend focused time in prayer to be sure of what He is saying and how He is leading. No matter what else is going on around you, remember that God cannot lie. When He has shown you something, confirmed it, and backed it up with His own Word, know that the matter is settled.
Romans 3:4 says, “Let God be true and every human being a liar.”
If God has spoken and every person you encounter says otherwise, know that God’s Word is always true! This doesn’t mean you go off half-cocked, untrained, and believing that you are the only person who hears from God. Humility and complete submission to the Lord is extremely important. God confirms His Word, so if you don’t receive confirmation, continue to pray and seek Him for clarity. Anything that is in disagreement or violation of God’s Word is not from Him, as God will not go against Himself. He is His Word.
Be a diligent seeker of God and His Word, see and hear how He is moving in your life, do what He says, and don’t doubt. Respond to God only and submit to His guidance. (Romans 8:27-28) This is so crucial in this season as the Lord is stirring and raising up those who will use their voices for the true work of the Kingdom. The enemy is seeking to plant seeds of doubt, fear, and destruction to silence these voices so we must be vigilant and submitted to God completely. The Lord will not allow you to be put to shame when you stick close to Him. Be encouraged.