I am writing today to those who have a strong desire or passion for something they have not yet attained. I have learned that for some things you must be willing to take a risk and put forth more effort than you ever have, otherwise you will always miss the mark. Notice I said, “you must be willing.” Think of it in terms of how far are you really willing to go to get the highest desire you have for your life?
That amazing thing that you want, I guarantee you it won’t come easy – not at first. You have to invest something precious to reach the height of your passion. It will be extremely uncomfortable. You will be irritated, you will feel irrational, you may be crying and angry some days. You may feel alone in your pursuits. You may even feel physically sick sometimes but that is just the mediocrity leaving your system. You are on your way to excellence.
The easy path is to say you want something, be a generally good person and do what you believe you are supposed to do on daily basis. However, there are some things you want that require more of you. I’m talking about things like love, marriage, your dream career, your ministry, the well-being of your family…yeah the things that pull at your heartstrings and cause you to feel all types of crazy.
My friend David Burrus coaches his clients to #Go2Far for the things they want in life. This is what I am talking about. How bold and daring will you be to get the things you really want in life? Will you wait impatiently for it to be handed to you or will you do something you’ve never done to get something you’ve never had?
Trust me, I am preaching to myself right now. There are some things on the above list that I will absolutely do whatever is necessary to obtain because that is just how important those things are to me. There are other items almost just as important but I have dragged my feet to do what it really takes to break through to the next level. I have doubts that I can really do it sometimes, it feels too risky, I feel too exposed. Yet, those desires are still there – they are almost all I can think about. So I make up my mind to go beyond what anyone else would expect me to do, to open myself up for the absolute best that God has for me. I trust beyond what feels like my natural ability to trust and I believe and have faith for something that seems impossible.
I put my faith out there even if it feels ridiculous and I know that God will meet right out there on the water.
I know many people who are believing for spouses and I know how that feels. My challenge to you is how vulnerable are you willing to be to get the out-of-this-world love that you seek? How much are you willing to allow God to transform you so that you are able to receive love the way He intended? You’ve understandably built up some hard protective shells through time and circumstance, but how much trust will you continue to put into that shell? Will you shift your trust from your hard exterior and place yourself along with your desire for love completely into God’s Hands? You can’t begin from a place of distrust and expect to attract trust. I am not saying you should trust everyone. I’m saying you can take people at face value and be wise, allowing God to reveal what you need to know. Instead of you shutting people down, let God show you who to shut down. This way you are not walking around in defense mode all the time, scaring off the nice people. 🙂 I hope this helps someone! Be blessed.