I was recently in turmoil over what my eyes could see versus what God had previously shown me and told me. I was in worship at The HOPE when I started to ask God about it all over again and He said, “you already know.” Then He showed me how I cannot enter the fullness of what He has for me if I continue holding on so tightly to what reality once was. I was determined to choose because, as the word of God says, “a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways.” It was time for me to get some stability and confidently move forward on my chosen path.
As I received this message from my Heavenly Father to release the past so I can receive my blessing; the heaviness I was feeling began to lift and I heard God say He wants us to return to a childlike trust in Him, the blind faith that He has us in the palm of His hand no matter what it looks like. He wants to remove the filters of pain and disappointment that we pick up throughout our lifetimes so we can clearly see His Heart for us. There are battles in life where we may endure some tough challenges and acquire some wounds. However, God is there with us, fighting for us and He will not allow us to be destroyed.
*Remember, sometimes we face challenges in life that are too difficult to overcome on our own. It is not usually as easy as saying, I will choose to let this go and dance into my victory. This is a process. I have personally been through months of intense therapy and I will not stop there. Any time I feel stuck and unable to deal, I will revisit professional and spiritual counseling and I encourage you to do the same for your well-being, the quality of your life, and the quality of your relationships.
Last night, I attended a Detox service at Mantle of Power, where I danced over the grave of past betrayals and disappointments, right into my Freedom. I will not allow those old attacks to continue robbing me of my joy! Dance with me?
Dear Husband – A Good Wife’s Heart for Her Husband is Rachel Renee’s third Amazon Top 100 Bestseller and also rose to #2 in Hot New Releases/Marriage during its first week. This is a book of love letters that Rachel has written to her future husband, who is yet to be revealed. The letters are a witness of how God has preserved Rachel’s heart and desire to love in spite of the betrayal and abuse that she endured in her recent marriage. Dear Husband deals with important relationship topics from a position of love, respect, and submission to her husband’s authority. The book also includes affirmations and exercises that couples can commit to do with each other in order to apply the principles from the letters to their lives. Women can learn how to speak to their husband’s heart through these letters and men can learn more about the heart of the woman who loves him. Singles and couples can order Dear Husband in print for only $9.99 and on Kindle for only $2.99.in print for only $9.99 and on Kindle for only $2.99.