In looking over the past year, my family has endured quite a few problems but we have also seen more miracles than ever before. About 1.5 years ago, I left my job of 14 years to move to a new state with my family and launch our publishing company full-time. My husband...
The Lemon Tree Written by R.T. Errill Illustrated by Destiny What inspired you to write this book? For me it was a who – GOD. It was written to give hope to those who wanted to give up. It was also written to tell others about the goodness of GOD and his plan...
I wish I could say that it doesn’t bother me when I see what looks like people getting ahead by dishonest means. I mean, sure, that is all part of this sinful world we live in and I understand that. However, when I have felt the sting of specific people’s...
Challenges in life inevitably come, in fact they are a constant part of life. I am learning that when we fully know who our Source and Protector is, we don’t have to focus on those challenges. We don’t have to figure it all out. The situations in life...
I am in a season of my life where I am truly learning how significant our relationships are to God. His desire is for us to have right relationship with Him and for us to have right relationships with others. There are some people whom the Lord connects us with for a...