That book you wrote or have yet to write has a mission not just to bring knowledge, healing, and resources to those who read it but to open doors of opportunity for your life. There are several ways your book will accomplish this mission if you follow God’s plan for your writing ministry.
The most obvious door your book may open will be financial. However, the finances may not come the way you expected, especially if you are self-publishing as a new or unknown author. Your book is like a walking, talking introduction to readers and future audiences to let people know who you are, what you are made of and how powerful your message is. As an indie author, you can multiply book sales exponentially by speaking and participating at events where your books can be sold.
While finances may be the most highly thought of reason for publishing a book, when you allow your words to flow as ministry there are far more benefits that can flow to you as a result. When you have a message that you are truly passionate about, you want that message to travel far and wide. Your books have the ability to travel faster and farther than you can, not to mention the fact that your imprinted words will endure long past your time here on earth. I have lost track of how many times someone purchased my book and came back to purchase multiple copies because they ended up loaning their original copy or giving it away. Why would someone give your book away only to purchase it again? Because it has a message that not only resonated with them but that they know will minister to someone else.
I sometimes give my own books away – as the Spirit leads, as a way to network and connect with likeminded people, often as a way to inspire and motivate someone. As an introvert who would sometimes much rather type away on my computer or edit someone’s manuscript than socialize, my books have given me an automatic icebreaker, leading me to connect with and work with people that I might have never met had I never shared my writings with the world. Here is where my book’s multiplying powers kick in again, causing my network to grow even while I am in the comfort of my own home.
Personal Growth
The process of writing and publishing itself is a life-transforming situation. Whenever you accomplish a dream or long-term goal in your life, you grow and expand to be able to reach higher heights. If the goal was to write your book, once it is completed, your next goal is to have it edited and prepared for publishing. Once that is accomplished, you set out to publish it. Your next goal is to spread the word far and wide. The goal beyond that may be to create a movement based on or inspired by your book. Beyond that you may travel nationally and internationally as a speaker to motivate and inspire people with your message. Do you see how with each goal you become larger in the world?
When God places a desire in your heart to do something, it is for a purpose greater than you, but that purpose will also bless you. Be in action to fulfill your goals and dreams this year so that the doors of opportunity will be open to you.